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Coffee Cartel in Bali

Each of my trip I plan beforehand. Videlicet – I download offline map of the area where I will live and put some marks where I will keep the path. Always the first thing I am interested in is where will I drink morning coffee.

Bali Island did not become as an exception. Just have decided about location of the temporary habitation, I began to study the nearest most important sights for me – coffee shops. Must admit, that in Seminyak district there are inconceivable number of ones. But today I would like to mark especially beloved place – Coffee Cartel.

The location of Coffee Cartel was surprisingly successful – just in seven minutes walking from my temporary villa. It’s funny that wherever I was, my legs themselves led me to this place for the most magically delicious coffee! And although pink does not dominate in the interior at all, this place will always give me a pink taste, as here I first tried Pink Beetroot Latte.

Such variety of coffee drinks is not common. It took me a few minutes to read all the offers from the barista. And then a few more to make a choice. There is that case when you want to try everything all at once! But I did not dare to order “Charcoal Latte” and “Dirty Coconut” coffee. The mood was so sweet, so Matcha and Pink Latte became my favorite. And of course in tribute to Australia such a smooth my fav Flat White. But even an ordinary flat here becomes unusual! Maybe too Instagramish, but still – thanks to the Ripple machine the pattern you like with the inscription you need are applied to the surface of the foam. Too astonish thing for one extra dollar only! This is a tremendous saving of time for the barista and, accordingly, the time for serving coffee. I like how the word “génial” sounds in French and here it comes in handy!

There is incredibly healthy breakfast here! At least I designed those for myself, choosing a gluten free meal and something even from vegan. But if at lunch time your choice falls on a delicious burger, then you run to have a risk of having dinner as well. Yes, these buns are so satisfying here.

In general, I can safely consider this boutique coffee shop is a godsend, as this is a piece of East Australia (Wollongong) in Bali. Which can be also partially taken away with you in form of a pack of coffee beans. What I had ✅


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